Avengers: X-Sanction Review

By John E. Avengers: X-Sanction is the prelude to Marvel’s big event this year, Avengers vs. X-Men, in a winner takes all battle royal. Have you ever wondered who would win in the following duels: Spiderman vs. Gambit, Hulk vs. Colossus, Squirrel Girl vs. Dazzler? (My...

Avengers Assemble #1 – REVIEW

by Matt W. I was at my local comic book store today looking for a new read when I saw the Avengers Assemble #1. At first, I wasn’t interested in reading it knowing that Avengers vs X-Men is right around the corner. I picked it up anyway and man, I’m glad I...

WINTER SOLDIER #1 – A review

By John E. Winter Soldier is the story of a hero who died saving his friend and mentor—Captain America—and the country he loves, only to find himself fighting for the people he sacrificed himself to stop. Now a free man, he sets out to fix that which he believes he...

Batman and Robin #6 REVIEW

By Matt W. Let me start off by saying the art work for the cover is awesome! Patrick Gleason has done really a great job with the illustration to this series. Let’s jump into this comic! If you have been reading the series, you will know that the villain Nobody...

GUEST REVIEW – Dicecapades (Board game)

By Wil B. Dicecapades is a party game for 2-6 people or more if played as teams. The game combines trivia, action, and pictionary type challenges. As Players move around the oval board, divided into 3 areas, they draw a card determined by the area their pawn is...