By John E.

Avengers: X-Sanction is the prelude to Marvel’s big event this year, Avengers vs. X-Men, in a winner takes all battle royal. Have you ever wondered who would win in the following duels: Spiderman vs. Gambit, Hulk vs. Colossus, Squirrel Girl vs. Dazzler? (My money is on Squirrel Girl). Well, this is the comic that is going to kick all that off.

Avengers: X-Sanction is a story revolving around the character Cable, one of the few time-traveling X-Men. When Cable was last seen, he was saving the mutant race from extinction. Thought to be dead, he was actually thrown into the future where he learned mutants were extinct. Now, he must travel back in time to right this wrong. Although his body is dying and his powers are almost gone, he knows the Avengers must die to fix the future.

Jeph Loeb is an excellent writer; I’ve enjoyed much of his work in the past. He is very good about staying true to the nature of the characters and makes you feel what they are feeling. That being said, I’m not sure this is his best work. There are many holes in the plot, which may be intentional. It will be impossible to tell until the Avengers vs. X-Men event takes place. If he pulls it all together by the end of the series, it will be brilliant.

All in all, this is a must-read for any Cable fan, anyone who enjoys a hero slugfest, or anyone who wants some major hints as to what the Avengers vs. X-Men event is all about.