by Matt W.
I was at my local comic book store today looking for a new read when I saw the Avengers Assemble #1. At first, I wasn’t interested in reading it knowing that Avengers vs X-Men is right around the corner. I picked it up anyway and man, I’m glad I did.
The comic starts off with Cancer ralling up his team with codenames from signs of the zodiac. Then, we flip right into Captin America holding a press confrence with the Avengers (in Tony Stark’s new Avengers Tower) stating that they’re open for business. The story starts with Hulk staring off in the mountains when out of nowhere a couple of army tanks roll up and ruin his peaceful thoughts. The Hulk jumps up out of the sky and all havoc breaks loose on the green tanks. The army start shooting rounds into his chest thinking its the Hulk causing all this destruction. This alien water monster is tearing through these soldiers and all they are seeing is green. “Hulk mad…Hulk very mad” and isn’t afraid of some water. He tears threw and ends up taking this water villan down which turns out to be a man that fights back and escapes with some army intel from one of the tanks. We then jump into a steath misson with Hawkeye and Black Widow stealing back what looks look like the intel the water guy escaped with. They are sucessful but with a large bull on their tail that goes by the name “ZODIAC.” Thor and Iron man fly in and try there best to fight off this beast while Hawkeye and Black Widow get away, but little do they know they are heading straight for a massive cliff. The Avengers arent in good shape as this comic is….TO BE CONTINUED.
I really enjoyed this comic! The book won me over, and I’m looking forward to picking up more issues from the Avengers as they assemble.