By Matt W.
Let me start off by saying the art work for the cover is awesome! Patrick Gleason has done really a great job with the illustration to this series. Let’s jump into this comic!
If you have been reading the series, you will know that the villain Nobody has came to Gotham trying to corrupt Damian and turn him against his father Batman. When Damian confronts His father demanding answers of how Batman knows Nobody from his past, Batman quickly shuts him down and tells him it’s for his own good that he keeps the details to himself. That doesn’t go over too well with Damian. He feels that his father doesn’t trust him and is always looking at him as just a kid, not a sidekick. We left off in issue #5 with Damian alongside Nobody finding himself with a pistol in his hand standing over a innocent man with Nobody over his shoulder telling him to pull the trigger. Issue #6 started off the way that everybody was waiting for: does Damian pull the trigger? It then turns the story back to Batman roaming the streets of Gotham searching for his son with help from Alfred scanning all the cameras in the city looking for the yellow cape of Robin. He tells the backstory of Nobody and how he worked with his father years ago. The backstory of Nobody was really interesting, and it gave us a look at the work Bruce Wayne did before he threw on the the cape and mask. The comic wraps up with Batman locating his son in a no-holds barred fight with Nobody.
I expect issue # 7 to be a good ol’ fashioned “slobber knocker” with Batman fighting Nobody to the death for his son. Im really excited to go pick up the next issue. This is by far my favorite series from the new 52 line up from DC Comics.